Connie Morgan

Connie Morgan is a Christian, wife, mother, working product manager and recent Sandpoint implant. She has a background in economics and public relations and has worked in higher education and marketing. She served five years in the United States military as a military intelligence officer. Connie was raised in Hoquiam, Washington and was stationed at Fort Lewis before moving to Idaho. She and her husband relocated to Sandpoint because they fell in love with the culture as well as the natural beauty of the area. Connie also had it on her heart to move away from the city and back to a small town like the one she was raised in.


Her position as Communications and Marketing Specialist at the EnVision Center is part of that vision to get back to her small town roots. Connie knows what it's like to live in a community where everyone knows each other and looks out for each other. She is thrilled to have the opportunity to get more plugged into the Bonner county community.


In her spare time Connie enjoys writing, musical theatre and teasing her husband. One of the things that excites her the most about Bonner county is the flourishing homeschool community. God has blessed Connie with one son and two daughters (three babies in four years). Connie is a founding member of the nonprofit Free Black Thought

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